On Monday, Dec 12 at 6:30 pm, the NY Oyster Lovers Meetup will be meeting in the kitchen at Brooklyn Foodworks (630 Flushing Ave, Fl 2; off the G Flushing stop). I’ll be demonstrating how to make oyster stuffing (with tastings, of course) and everyone will have a chance to shuck oysters. If you still haven’t mastered the art of shucking, this is the perfect opportunity to learn in a low-key environment. We’ll venture between celebratory oyster dishes for ancient and modern times, and you’ll come away with a new appreciation for the oyster’s role in luxurious living.
I am premiering this class for the first time, and it will be a feast for the mind and stomach, so do sign up if you’re a curious eater: https://www.meetup.com/New-York-Oyster-Lovers/events/235756658
Hope to see you there!